What the future holds in computing

Quantum Computing

CONTEXT: The world in its current and future technological state revolves highly around computers and computing power. Quantum computing exists in a form currently, but it is not actually useable. So while technically Quantum computing was invented at an earlier time, it technically wasn’t really and still isn’t something sustainable and/or feasible in the broader spectrum. Possibly by about 2020 quantum computing could become a significantly more critical piece of technology, because currently the proof that quantum computers are superior to normal computers is not there. It’s important to note that quantum computing exists only in what is called D-Wave computers which is not actual quantum computing(this would follow Grover’s Algorithm, or Shor’s Algorithm, and a couple other quantum algorithms). So this is why Quantum computing hopefully around 2020 will actually be the future.

IMPACT: Quantum computing is a quantum leap in technology for all aspects of everything. A quick example is imagine you could use a regular computer to find the prize in one of 5 random rooms. A normal computer could do this in say an average of ~2.65 attempts. If you use a quantum computer, you would find the prize in one try. What allows a quantum computer to do this is while a bit works in 0’s and 1’s and a regular computer can read each, one at a time. A quantum computer works in qubits which can be both 0 and 1 and anything in between at the exact same time, this is called super position. So if you had a quantum computer factor, it could come up with all the factors at once, while a normal computer would try every different combination. So this leads into the question, how does this really effect things. Well another example could be the human genome is all held within a database and it took computers years upon years to put it together. A quantum computer is so much more efficient that it could of done it in theory, all at once at a very fast speed. Quantum computing is being touted as being able to possibly lead to the cure for all cancers and diseases. Quantum computing could help with things like obesity and lead to answers for other forms of technology that didn’t exist before. For example, quantum computing could lead to actual hyper-speed space flight. So you could get to mars in seconds. So still you might say, how does it do this? Well we must ask, what is it that holds back technology right now from having hyper-speed anything. It is the technology is just not there, it’s not fast enough, it’s not smart enough, it’s just lacking all over. Quantum computing actually checks quantum superpositions of all possible answers to whatever you have it checking, and all the wrong answers cancel themselves out, while the single right answer interferes with itself, making it stronger. This leaves you with one correct answer instantaneously. That could very well be the missing link to teleportation, hyper-speed, time-travel, EVERYTHING. Even every single organisms entire gene biome. So in short, quantum computing could possibly lead to the answer to everything in the universe.

LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES: Quantum computing could lead to machines taking over the world. It could also lead to the answer to every question anyone has ever had. Quantum computing could cure world hunger, get rid of criminals, etc. It could allow certain hidden forces(U.S Government) to actually know when every single act of violence or terror would happen anywhere in the world with 100% accuracy.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Hagar, Amit. “Quantum Computing.” Stanford University. Stanford University, 03 Dec. 2006. Web. 08 May 2014.